Course Description
SUNDAY, May 3, 2020
9:00- 4:00
The course features demonstrations and drills to learn and refine advanced body positioning, shifting, braking, throttle and cornering skills. We may also do some slow-maneuver practice. A cone course will allow you to put these techniques into practice.
This course to the Rhode Island MSF instructors, the New England Riders and the Sisters’ Centennial Ride participants. It was a big hit.
This course is for all levels of experienced riders with at least 2,000 miles under their belt. This is not for brand new riders. New riders should sign up for a basic rider course with their state motorcycle safety program
What to Expect
The morning will include coaching and practice.
We will break for an hour lunch. Students should bring lunch and plenty to drink.
After lunch, we will ride a cone course (think autocross) so students can practice what they learned in the morning.
What You’ll Learn
- Advanced Braking & Throttle Techniques
- Pitch control
- Throttle Blipping
- Ratcheting Throttle
- Throttle/Brake Overlap
- Body Positioning
- Cornering Precision
- Timing
- Trailbraking
- Ratchet Vision
- Advanced Countersteering
WGI, Inc.
34 Hudson Dr, Southwick, MA 01077
Take a right on Whalley Way and ride to the end. The parking lot is on your left.
There are hotels at the Westfield turnpike exit and many choices about 15 minutes away in West Springfield.
What to Bring
- Your motorcycle, in good condition
- Riding Gear (required at all times)
- DOT-approved helmet
- eye protection
- motorcycle jacket,
- long pants (armored motorcycle pants preferred)
- full coverage gloves
- sturdy, over-the-ankle boots.
- Rain gear. We run rain or shine.
- Lunch (as an alternative, you can make a run to Subway)
- Plenty of water (hydrate!)
Ken Condon will be your lead instructor. Ken is author of “Motorcycling the Right Way”, “Riding in the Zone” book and blog, “Street Savvy” columnist for Motorcyclist Magazine, and longtime author of the Proficient Motorcycling and Street Strategies columns for Motorcycle Consumer News. Ken is Lead Instructor for Tony’s Track Days and Riding in the Zone Motorcyclist Training, and a 20 year MSF instructor.
Other Training Options:
Click Here for Individual On-Street Training Options (1 or 2 riders)
Click Here for Group On-Street Training Options
The Riding in the Zone, LLC Motorcyclist Training Program is supported by the American Motorcyclist Association and the Massachusetts Rider Education Program (MREP). Scholarships are available through the BMW/MOA Foundation. Safety course Insurance discounts usually apply. Check with your agent.
Riding in the Zone, LLC is chartered and insured through the American Motorcyclist Association
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